Saturday, November 18, 2023

November 2023 SEQAG Meeting

Seven members today (with three apologies) with much of the focus being on the work done on Wansbeck Road and a discussion on what was on the "must do before the show"; the "would be nice if we get it done before the show"; and the "we should look at that for future shows" lists.  On the "must do" is putting a couple more coats of paint on the new backscene and organising a spare controller "just in case".  We also really should organise a transition wagon so the Electra fitted stock can be hauled by a DG fitted loco (which is the coupling system we had already decided on) should the need arise.

All in all, we are very pleased with the renovations on Wansbeck Road and the show looks like it will be a great start to is official Australian career.

Outside of the WbR discussions and work there were further discussions on designing decals and 3DP - it turns out quite a few of us are owners of upgraded or first-time owners of printers and so discussion was centered around types of resins.  It seems most of us follow the "Holden parts in Holden cars (or Vauxhall for the UK readership) and Ford parts in Ford cars" maxim - i.e. the resins designed for the printers tend to work better than resins designed for other printers. 

At the recent British Railways Modellers of Australia Queensland division modelling competition two of the group were awarded trophies - Barbara won the Diorama section with a shot down Scalescenes OO Boxfile kit - rather than her usual N gauge she was persuaded by David to give it a go in 2mm and did an excellent job.  She did admit there were some parts she found a little challenging but given she is over 90 we felt that was ok.  Your humble correspondent was awarded the overall "Best Model" trophy for my Ale Dock brewery building.  It didn't win a category as it was the only "scratch built" building there but the judges felt that it stood up ok v the 7mm wagons, OO Saint and other assorted models.

Another enjoyable morning.  Whilst we won't be having an "official" meeting at the show next weekend, at last count, 6 of us are either there with WbR or helping out in other capacities as members of other groups.  Two of the wider Australian 2mm Group are joining us from NSW - one being, like me, an International Member of the NMAG group.  We shall have to organise a cake I think to bring a bit of NMAG fairy dust to SEQ.

Our next meeting is the 16th of December and is our Christmas gathering.  Please get in touch if, like the Hon. Sec. you happen to be around and would like a 2mm fix.

January 2024 SEQAG Meeting

New Year, new plans.  At least that's what we are hoping. We had our first meeting since November (we did meet in December, but it was a...